


Reading is a top priority and is a key driver within our curriculum; from EYFS through to Y6. We are ambitious in our expectations for all children. We follow the National Curriculum and aim to build on and further enhance this.

Reading scheme

At St Mary's we use the Collins Reading Materials in Key Stage 2, supplemented by other publishers.  In Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 we use Rhino Readers supplemented by other phonetically aligned texts.  You can find out more about:

Collins Big Cat scheme by clicking here  Big Cat Reading  

Oxford Reading Tree materials by clicking hereOxford Reading Tree Materials  

What’s going well in our reading:

Reading with your child

One of the greatest gifts that you can give to your child is a love of reading.  Research has shown that one of the biggest indicators of success in a child's life is whether or not they have books in the home.  As a parent, try to focus on making reading fun and enjoyable rather than getting bogged down in trying to teach nitty gritty skills.  There are many, many different things that you can do.  Here are just a few:

When we talked to children about their reading, see below for what they had to say..........

Reading Pupil Voice Spring 2024.pdf
Writing pupil voice autumn 24.pptx