Year 3 Class Page

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3


Class Routines:

School starts with a soft start at 8:40 am, where the children are greeted with a smile as they enter their classroom. They complete daily calculations and a spelling activity. Reading to an adult and reading for pleasure happens during this time too.

Registration happens at 8.50am followed by a child each day leading prayers.

Friday is French Friday with the register taken in French and prayers in French too.

To ensure the children are knowing more and remembering more, Friday is Flashback Friday with four retrieval questions set each week to see if the children have retained the previous knowledge taught.

The remainder of the morning consists of a Maths lesson, comprising arithmetic, reasoning and problem solving and English, consisting of writing, reading, punctuation, grammar and spelling.

The afternoon sessions are used to teach the remaining subjects: RE (20% of the timetable), science, history, geography, PE, art, DT, music, French, RSE and computing.

Our School Rules:

At St. Mary’s, in everything we say and do we follow the teaching of Jesus.


Homework is set on a Tuesday and is designed to reflect the learning happening in school.  We would encourage you to read with your child at home every day and encourage them to discuss texts with you.  It is also nice for the children to be read to: you are never too old for this! Homework folders and reading books should be returned to school every Monday.  

Our Class Saint

Our class saint is Saint Cecilia there is more information about her in the presentation below.

Saint Cecilia

Year 3 Prayers

knowledge organisers