Governing Body
The school is founded by and is part of the Catholic Church. It is conducted as a Catholic School in accordance with Latin Rite Canon Law and the teachings of the Catholic Church, and in accordance with the Trust Deed of the Archdiocese of Birmingham and in particular:
i. Religious education is to be in accordance with the teachings, doctrines, discipline, general and particular norms of the Catholic Church.
ii. Religious worship is to be in accordance with the rites, practices, discipline and liturgical norms of the Catholic Church.
iii. At all times the school is to serve as a witness to the Catholic Faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Governing Body of St Mary the Mount Catholic Primary School will endeavour to operate at a strategic level, leaving the school’s senior leadership responsible and accountable for the operational day-to-day running of the school. The Governing Body’s overarching duty is the preservation and development of the Catholic character of the school. Its core strategic functions, as a Governing board, therefore, are in the following:
Ensuring clarity of Catholic vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding the appropriate senior leadership to account for the educational performance and Catholic character of the school and its pupils; and for the internal organisation, management and control of the school, including performance management of staff; and
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
The governing body consists of 12 persons plus two associate Governors:
a. 7 foundation governors;
b. 2 parent governors;
c. 1 LA governor;
d. 1 staff governor
e. 1 Headteacher
f. 2 Associate Governors
Total number of governors: 14
Mrs. C.A. Amos, the Head Teacher, is a Governor.
The following gives details of the Governing Body other than the Head Teacher
Foundation Governors - Appointed by the Diocesan Schools Commission
Father. Jobin Kollappallil s.d.v Term of Office ends 7th March 2025
Mrs. J. Galt Term of Office ends 30th January 2026
Mrs R Parkes Term of Office ends 16th February 2027
Mr. S. Mutsigwa Term of Office ends 8th November 2026
Mrs. C. Benzigar Term of Office ends 22nd September 2028
Mr. M. Rose Term of Office ends 25th October 2026
Mr Fraju Term of Office ends 31st July 2027
L.A. Governor - Appointed by Walsall Education Committee
Mr. J. Nelson Term of Office ends 20th August 2026
Parent Governors - Elected by Parents of St. Mary’s School
Ms. L. Hurley Term of Office ends 9th October 2027
Mrs. J. Reed -Asquith Term of Office ends 29th September 2026
Staff Governor - Elected by Staff of St. Mary’s School
Mrs. A. Kirk Term of Office ends 25th September 2026
Associate Governor
Mr. Lawrence Kelly Term of Office ends 31st August 2024 to be re- appointed 7th October 2024
Mrs. J. Smith Term of Office ends 9th October 2027
Chair Of Governors:
c/o St Mary’s the Mount Catholic Primary School
Jesson Road
Vice-Chair of Governors:
Mrs. J. Galt who may be contacted c/o the school.
The Clerk to the Governors:
Mrs. M. Hart, c/o the school
Governing Body Structure and Committees.
Outlined below is the Governing Body structures for the Committees also identifying the Chair for each Committee and the voting rights for Associated Governors.
The Governors work hard, holding regular committee meetings (at least one per term). These meetings are then reported back termly to the Full Governing Body Meetings.
The basic committees are as follows (other committees are called as required):
Pay Committee
Finance Committee
Extended School Provision Committee
Premises and Health and Safety Committee
Staffing Committee
Curriculum and Ethos Committee
Admissions Committee.
Governing Body Meetings 2024-2025
Monday 7th October 2024
Monday 3rd February 2025
Monday 12th May 2025
Governing Body Diversity Data
The governing body at St Mary Mount have opted out of the sharing of their personal information.
Governing Body Meeting Minutes
Minutes from Governors meetings can be requested from the school office if desired.