Year 4 Class Page
Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
In Year 4 we follow the school’s mission statement by aiming to live, love and learn as Jesus taught us throughout everything we do in and out of class. We discussed and came up with our class rules at the start of the year.
Class Teacher - Miss Conod
Learning Assistant - Mrs Jones
Learning Assistant - Mrs Griffiths
Class Routine
School starts with a soft start at 8:40 am, where the children are greeted with a smile as they enter their classroom. They complete daily calculations and a spelling activity. Reading to an adult and reading for pleasure happens during this time too.
Registration happens at 8.50am followed by a child each day leading prayers.
Friday is French Friday with the register taken in French and prayers in French too.
To ensure the children are knowing more and remembering more, Friday is Flashback Friday with four retrieval questions set each week to see if the children have retained the previous knowledge taught.
The remainder of the morning consists of a Maths lesson, comprising arithmetic, reasoning and problem solving and English, consisting of writing, reading, punctuation, grammar and spelling.
The afternoon sessions are used to teach the remaining subjects: RE (20% of the timetable), science, history, geography, PE, art, DT, music, French, RSE and computing.
Our School Rules:
At St. Mary’s, in everything we say and do we follow the teaching of Jesus.
We always listen carefully so that we can learn and be safe.
We work hard and persevere to achieve our best.
We take responsibility for our actions.
We show good manners by being kind and treating others as we would like to be treated.
We value and care for our school and all the things in it.
When lining up and walking round school, we always walk quietly.
Homework Timetable
Homework is given out on Mondays and Tuesdays, on Monday spellings and Maths booklet is sent home. On Tuesdays a reading book is also sent home with the children. These are to be completed for the following Monday to be set again the following week. Children are expected to read most night and learn their times tables up to 12 x 12 in readiness for our multiplication check in the summer term.
Our Class Saint
See the presentation below for some interesting information about St Therese.
A part of our R.E. work and our beliefs in British Values, we also visit the Singers Hill Synagogue in Birmingham. This helps us learn about Jewish life and its traditions.
Click here for more information on the Synagogue -
St. Therese of Liseux Presentation

Year 4 Prayers