Reception Class Page


Hello and welcome to Reception.


Class Teacher         Mrs Hunt

Learning Assistants    Mrs Boland

                                       Mrs Kirke,

                                       Mrs Betancaur,

                                       Mrs Walters

                                      Mrs Karcol

Class Routines

· PE – Thursday and Friday. Please come to school dressed in your PE kit – white t-shirt, blue joggers, school jumper or cardigan, no tracksuits please. You need a pair of shorts and pumps to keep in school.

· Reading Books  - please bring daily.

· Water bottles – please bring daily.

· Reception starts promptly at 8.45am. Children should line up on the Key Stage 1 playground ready to lead into the classroom. Children who arrive after this time are late and should be taken to the main entrance and not to the Reception door.

Our School Rules:

At St. Mary’s, in everything we say and do we follow the teaching of Jesus.

1. We always listen carefully so that we can learn and be safe.

2. We work hard and persevere to achieve our best.

3. We take responsibility for our actions.

4. We show good manners by being kind and treating others as we would like to be treated.

5. We value and care for our school and all the things in it.

6. When lining up and walking round school, we always walk quietly.


Our Catholic ethos is the basis for all that we do, aiming to live, love and learn as Jesus taught us.  

Our class saint is St Francis of Assisi.  We have formal RE lessons during the week and take part in school and class masses and assemblies. 

Each day starts with a ‘Special Helper’ leading our prayers.  

Morning lessons start with a phonics session, we use the Twinkl phonic scheme. This is usually followed by literacy activities.  

Before break time we have a snack time and an opportunity to share and discuss news and topics of interest.  

After break we have a mathematics session which involves many practical activities and games. 

In the afternoons we cover a range of cross curricular activities. Many of our sessions take place outdoors. There is a mix of directed and child initiated activities and our timetable is flexible to allow time for children’s different needs and interests. 

Children have opportunities for ‘choosing time’ when they can select resources and activities independently within our continuous provision.

Each term we hold parent meetings and workshops to help you support your child’s development and learning. 

A weekly overview is put on SeeSaw along with photos of what we have been doing. 

You can access a range of activities on MiniMash. 

The following links provide lots of ideas and activities you can use at home with your child.









Early Years Prayers